Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Announcing Andre Adam McCombs

It's been a whirlwind since I last posted. There is so much to tell. As I type this my son is laying against my bosom asleep in his sling and I am truly blessed to be a mom.

There are many details I should recall about his birth, his birth mother and the circumstances surrounding his entrance into the world but I just wanted to write a quick update.

Andre Adam McCombs
Born Dec 28th at 5:28pm
7 lbs 6 oz 18 inches long
He has lots of dark hair and is a very good day sleeper! (I'm going to give him a month or so to just be and then we will work on helping him align his schedule with the night and day.

I promise to write more details soon, but for now I will leave you with a picture.

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